Friday, September 7, 2012

The Time Has Finally Come

Our PM told us yesterday that he had us scheduled for Monday, Septemer 10. He told us there could be a hold up. He said he would know definitely by today and he would call us if there was an issue. He said if we didn't hear from him then we will be good to break ground on Monday. Well....................we didn't hear from him so I guess we'll break ground Monday. WOO HOO! YIPPEE!  I'm so excited. Once I figure out how to post pics then I will track our progress. Pray for us


  1. Alright, Alright, Alright!! Happy Building! What Rome elevation did you choose?

    We are scheduled for Monday, Sept 17 but I have a funky feeling!!!! Fingers crossed it remains the same! This will put you one week ahead of us. Lot 38 broke ground this week!

    Still waiting to hear your backstory! Once you start blogging it will come easier, I remember I used to stare at the computer because I was clueless. Lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here are some instructions on uploading pictures: Go to the icon that looks like a pencil to compose your post, scroll your arrow over the square icons and one will read add images or photos, choose All your photos at once, than click the button that says add selected after they are selected, slightly scroll over the bottom of the picture and click add caption which will allow you to type comments about each picture

  4. Welcome aboard! We're building a Rome as well and hopefully will have our pre-construction meeting this week. I've added you to my list of bloggers, come check it out and find more Rome blogs to haunt! :)
